Identifying 5 Core Benefits of Public Cloud for SMBs

For a small business owner, there are numerous issues that he needs to look after when developing a technology platform. Some of the major concerns surrounding him include- cost savings, efficiency, agility, scalability. Business heads and key decision-makers in the enterprise arena favor moving their data and workload to Public Cloud Hosting. Owing to the multiple benefits that this Cloud model offers, Public Cloud has made it easier for business organizations to address their growing business needs using a cost-effective and strategic approach.

The results of an online survey have stated that towards the end of 2020, nearly 80% of businesses have adopted Cloud Computing in one form or the other. Leading public Cloud Hosting leverages the Internet for allowing their end-users to access the best resources and servers whenever required. Being a small business owner, leading Cloud Service Providers like ESDS recommend a Public Cloud due to the multiple benefits this Cloud model offers.

Benefits of Public Cloud Hosting

1. CAPEX Savings

By leveraging a Public Cloud hosting service for hosting critical applications and data, cost savings becomes one of the essential benefits that one gets. For a small business with a limited amount of CAPEX in hand, opting for Public Cloud hosting is a great option to consider. With Public Cloud Hosting services, business heads get maximum flexibility with a fixed budget. Public Cloud allows easy scaling of resources on the go by enabling businesses to pay only for the actually used resources. There is no need for paying additional or unused resources. As the business grows, there will consistently be increased demand for more hardware and storage resources. Hence with Public Cloud, they don’t need to worry about all of this. A trusted Cloud hosting provider configures and maintains the new or additional hardware. Also, with Public Cloud hosting, there is also a need to worry about maintaining systems present in the business. Public Cloud hosting providers helps in eliminating purchase and maintenance costs from the end, resulting in overall substantial cost savings.

2. Easy Software Management

With the data and applications hosted on a Public Cloud, businesses can easily eliminate all the software management-related needs. Today, almost all Public Cloud services are present on a SaaS or Software-as-a-Service Model, allowing business heads to overcome the traditional and legacy software challenges. All the applications present on a public Cloud offer simpler software management. Also, with Public Cloud hosting, there is absolutely no need to worry about the updates and upgrades of the software, as these are performed by the Cloud Hosting provider only. The update and upgrade part from the Cloud provider helps reduce the in-house IT Team’s burden. Businesses always access the latest software and features with previous security loopholes covered, allowing heads to focus on the critical growth areas.

3. Improved Innovation Abilities

By using resources present in a public Cloud, business heads get a direct and focused approach for experimenting and innovating. With the public Cloud, these resources are gathered easily. Hence the desired software can be quickly implemented. In case the deployed software isn’t the right choice for a business, it can be easily removed by scaling down the resource usage based on it. Agility has been the critical factor that is driving the modern-day technology ecosystem. It is being used for exploring newer business domains and growth opportunities. With Public Cloud hosting, the internal teams of a business get resources that are required for becoming smart, agile, and responsive towards addressing the business requirements.

4. Leveraging Mobile Capabilities

Every business employee needs to be productive on the go; therefore, enhancing the mobile experience is becoming inevitable. A small business on the growth path needs to formulate strategies that will make the mission-critical applications and data available at all times to its users. Public Cloud computing, like other Cloud computing models, allows applications, data, and connectivity to mission-critical systems that are available at all times. Irrespective of the user’s location, the user gets complete access to the Cloud-hosted data. With Public Cloud, business strategies remain intact, and the business stakeholders have access to the desired information at all times.

5. Gain Uptime Targets

With a public Cloud, businesses achieve maximum uptime for their hosted data and applications. Cloud Hosting providers ensure business operations run smoothly and are not hindered due to any downtime-based issues, ensuring data availability at all times. Multiple copies of data and applications are also created at geographically spread Data Centers besides full uptime commitment. Business customers and stakeholders need not worry about the availability of hosted business data and applications, as they are always present. Availability of data and applications results in a hindrance-free customer experience, and for the internal teams, it fuels employee productivity.


A Public Cloud Hosting offers everything that a small business needs for its growth. Though a public Cloud Hosting might be present on a shared server, all the resources, data, and applications of a business are secure because of a virtual Cloud portioning. Public Cloud hosting can be a great cost-savings option, as it allows business heads to pay for the resources that have been actually utilized.
